It's Pronounced... City Sign T-Shirt
If you cringe every time you hear someone butcher the pronunciation of your city, then this tee is for you! The perfect way for long-suffering residents of commonly mispronounced cities to politely educate out-of-towners without having to even open your mouth!
Choose from 21 cities: Barnstable ("Bahnstubble"), Billerica ("Billricka"), Dedham ("Deddum"), Gloucester ("Glosstah"), Haverhill ("Hayvrill"), Leicester ("Lestah"), Leominster ("Lemminstah"), Medford ("Medfid"), Needham ("Needum"), Peabody ("Peebiddy"), Quincy ("Quinzee"), Reading ("Redding"), Revere ("Reveah"), Salisbury ("Sawlzbree"), Scituate ("Sitchawit"), Somerville ("Summahvill"), Stoneham ("Stownum"), Tewksbury ("Tooksbree"), Wellesley ("Wellzlee"), Woburn ("Woobin"), or Worcester ("Woostah")